Additional Open Auditions
Prospect Theater Project announces additional open auditions for THE MOTHER on March 8th and 9th from 1pm-4pm. Please read the following, then click the link below to register to audition. After registering, a sign-up link will be sent to you within 24 hours so that you can reserve an audition time.
Written by Bertolt Brecht
Directed by Anna Rose Thao
Fri, June 13 at 7:30pm
Sat, June 14 at 7:30pm
Fri, June 20 at 7:30pm
Sat, June 21 at 7:30pm
Sun, June 22 at 2:00pm
Fri, June 27 at 7:30pm
Sat, June 28 at 7:30pm
Sun, June 29 at 2:00pm (talkback after the closing show)
The Mother by Bertolt Brecht follows the journey of a woman who finds her way from living in apathy and complacency within an oppressive society to activism. While attempting to keep her son safe she is thrown into helping a group of strikers where she is confronted with the awful conditions the workers are in, and the seeds of activism are planted. As she continues this journey we see her interactions with a wide variety of people, some who influence her and some that she influences, while she joins the fight against injustice.
CONCEPT: The concept for this production is “What if Luis Valdez and Teatro Campesino came to the Central Valley and recruited locals to put on a production of Brecht’s “The Mother”?”
Info about El Teatro Campesino
Please prepare a 1-2 minute monologue, preferably from a dramatic piece.
(If you do not have a monologue ready, please select a favorite excerpt from a play and familiarize yourself with it. Memorized is always preferred, but if you need to refer to a printed copy, that will be all right.)
Callbacks will be by invitation only and you will be asked to read sides from the script and perform with other actors.
Please note: this is an ensemble cast, and several cast members will be double cast in two or more roles. Pelagea Vlassova (The Mother), Pavel Vlassova (The Son), Nicholai Vessovchikov (Teacher), Yegor Lushin (Striker), Karpov (Worker), Smilgin (Worker), Anton Rybin (Worker), Andre Nakhoda (Worker), Ivan Vessovchikov (Worker), Masha Kalatova (Worker), Sostakovich (Unemployed), Vassil Yefimovitch (Butcher), Butcher’s Wife, Shop Mistress, Policeman, Company Policeman, Commissioner, Gatekeeper, Guard, First Strikebreaker, Second Strikebreaker, Woman Worker, First Worker, Second Worker, Third Worker, First Woman, Second Woman, Third Woman, Fourth Woman, Woman in Black, Land Lady, Doctor, Official, Housemaid
Prospect Theater Project welcomes all races, ethnicities, and nationalities; all religions and spiritualities; all gender identities and expressions; all socio-economic backgrounds, all political affiliations; all diverse abilities; all body types; all veterans; all ages. Whoever you are, you are encouraged at audition and participate
Questions regarding auditions should be sent to info@prospecttheaterproject.org